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Welcome to the MSP Home Tour!

The MSP Home Tour is back for another year!  In partnership with NARI of Minnesota, the MSP Home Tour continues the long standing tradition of excellence and community orientation it has been known for.  This year's Tour boundary encompasses the I-494 / 694 loop.

We emphasize professional remodeling and building, highlighting neighborhood architectural styles.  Our visitors are particularly supportive of historic restoration and blending in.  There's also high interest in solar, environmental causes, live/work/art spaces and accessory dwelling units.

What sets this tour apart from other tours is this range of experiences AND that it is seen through the eyes of the homeowner.  We interview each homeowner or couple before finalizing the commitment.  Ideally, the homeowners are present and engaged during the tour.

It's spontaneous, positive atmosphere for showing off what you do and educating on the value of hiring professionals.  Join the tour and tell your story!

View the 2025 Tour Guide!  --------------------------->

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Interested in being a sponsor on the tour? 

Being a sponsor of the MSP Home Tour is a great way to show support for incredible community event and let the public become familiar with your brand.